As you may have noticed, my blog was not very active this summer, and there are a few reasons for this, let me explain :
Après quelques semaines de repos fin juin, nous avons repris l'entrainement très dur en vue des dernières compétition de la saison de bloc qui se déroulent cette fin de mois d'Août...
After a few weeks of rest in June, we come back to hard training for the last competition of the season taking place this end of the month of August ...
So, except some days in Magicwood and the TAB, I only do a few sessions of easy climb in the forest of Fontainebleau, and so much more indoor session to be in my best shape right now...
So, we had a 2 days training session with the japanese and german team two weeks ago. Good to come back in the comp side, with two semi final round of world cup.
Et déjà mi-août, je me sentais très en forme, ce qui m'a donc permis de faire de bons circuits et n'avoir que quelques petits réglages à faire pour les compets à venir...
And already at the middle of August, I had the feeling to be very strong, and so, I did some good round with only few adjustments to do for the upcoming comps!!
Direction Munich !!
In this final stage of the World Cup, I knew it was going to be a great battle for the win, but also for the overall because I could still finish between the second and sixth place...
But with my current shape, and after several days of discussion on this, I think I have neglected so much things because of too much confidence... The results of this neglect are I'm not at all in my compet, missed the timing of my warm up and too stressed in the boulder problems (including some problem in my big weaknesses)
Au final, je souffre du début à la fin du circuit et ne fais que deux blocs pour me classer aux alentours de la 40ème place. Ma pire place de loin en bloc, tout en étant meilleur que je ne l'ai jamais été... dur à croire!!
In the end, I am fighting from the beginning to the end of the circuit and toped only two problems to finish around the 40th spot. My worst place so far, while I am stronger than I've ever been... Hard to believe!
Je n'ai donc pas atteint la plupart de mes objectifs de la saison pour ce qui est des coupes du monde...
Mais il me reste les championnats d'Europe ce week end, qui est l'objectif principal de l'année. J'espère que la forme est toujours là (car maintenant je me sens très faible) mais surtout que j'aurai bien appris de mes erreurs du week end dernier!!
So I have not accomplish most of my goals this season for the World Cup side...
But I still have the European Championships this weekend, which is the main goal of the year. I hope that the form is still there (because now I feel very weak) but also that I have learned from my mistakes from last weekend!
En tout cas, c'est la dernière ligne droite, et tout va se jouer sur le mental et l'attitude que j'arriverai à avoir dans les jours à venir...
Anyway, this is the last days, and everything will play on the mental attitude and I'll be able to have in the days to come ...
Photos : Mel